Translate text, when Screen Sharing Permission is active

New Contributor


I'am quite new to the Casper-Suite, so please excuse a newbie question, if it is one. :-)

When I try to initiate a screen sharing with CS-Remote, the user needs to give a permission to establish the connection. This is enforced by german law. The text of the popup box is in english of course. Is it possible to change that text, somewhere in the CS?

I think, this is one of the little situations, where the user gets in touch with the CS, and it should be possible to translate it, because not every small clerk speaks english over here.

TIA Alex


Valued Contributor III

Guten Tag Alex! Hallo aus dem Großbritannien!

It was publicly announced that localisation would be a big part of Casper 9. This is still in beta so I can't really comment any further, partly for the NDA but mainly because my test box is down and as a result i've no actual experience with that!

I hope you can wait for that.