Posted on 12-02-2020 06:37 PM
Hey all,
We have Macs, iPads and Chromebooks and on the macs and iPads we use the zoom app. I am finding that on the MacBooks, we have users downloading the localized Chrome version of Zoom which is quite watered down and glitches a lot more. Im struggling to find a way to just block this download on the macs, and not block it on the chromebooks. I wrote a script to remove the bad version of zoom since it's always in /Users/*/Applications/Chrome Apps.localized/ and since the real version is named and the chrome version is named just I made a smart group with the latter and started deleting it. If the google admin console wasn't so awful I'd probably have a better time with this specific block. Just figured someone here must have already done this before.
Any ideas?
Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools