Updated to v10.8...now agent isn't updating

Valued Contributor

Hey all.

Just applied the v10.8 update, and some of my test machines are updating their binaries. I've googled the issue, and all results seem to point to old version 9.x installs from years ago.

Anyone point me in the right direction? What am I missing? Running sudo jamf update command works fine.



Contributor III

I think you mean this issue

defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.jamf.plist

shows do_not_upgrade_jamf set to 1.
you need to set it to

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.jamf.plist do_not_upgrade_jamf 0

but you can't do it with jamf of course because the policies won't run.

Valued Contributor

yeah I checked for that option in the plist file, and it didn't exist, so that's not the cause. I tried jamf recon, jamf mdm, jamf manage commands and got nothing. the only thing that worked was jamf update.

Valued Contributor

@ooshnoo You've already done this check I presume?

If not it could cause this:
[PI-006260] In Jamf Pro, binary communication fails when using a smart computer group with "Computer Group" criteria that includes a non-existent smart group.
[PI-006265] In Jamf Pro, smart computer group criteria values for "Computer Group" are case-sensitive, causing membership to calculate incorrectly if the case used in the specified smart group name does not match.