Updates failing

Valued Contributor II

Got a bit of a weird issue. For a few weeks to a month or so I've had a policy running on machines with a local cached server installing patches and everything has been running fine.

Last friday, I turned on a policy to handle the rest of the machines and have them point to their local server share for updates. Since then, I've had 3 machines, that I'm aware of, kernel panic on me going from 10.8.2 to 10.8.5 supplemental combo update.

Has anybody run into a problem like that?

The KP seems to be erroring along the lines of

Unable to find driver for this platform: "ACPI".<something it's cut off from the picture I took> Dubugger called: <panic> Backtrace (CPU0), Frame; Return address <multiple lines of memory addresses> BSD Process name corresponding to current thread: Unknown Ma OS Version: Not yet Set ......

I got the users up and running by reapplying the 10.8.5 combo update via target boot, but I'm not sure why it's happening all of a sudden.