Upgrading FCP

Valued Contributor

Built a package for Final Cut Pro 10.3.2 update last year, using the App Store method as described on @rtrouton 's site here: https://derflounder.wordpress.com/2015/11/19/downloading-installer-packages-from-the-mac-app-store-w...

Initial testing on my machine seemed to go fine, but when rolling it out to our test group, I'm seeing a number of failures where it appears to refuse to install as an upgrade. I'm getting the following in the logs:

Executing Policy Install Latest Final Cut Pro Caching package Final Cut Pro 10.3.2... Verifying package integrity... Installing Final Cut Pro 10.3.2... Installation failed. The installer reported: installer: Cannot install on volume / because it is disabled. installer: Final Cut Pro X is already installed on this computer. Open App Store to check for available updates.

Any clue how to force the file as an update? Appears to work fine to do a bare install, but I'm just trying to patch our existing FCPx installs.


New Contributor II

I think the package you downloaded is a whole-app installer and not an updater. Run a script before the install of the package to delete the existing /Applications/Final Cut Pro.app.

Valued Contributor

Thanks. Thought of that route, just hoping for something more "elegant". But so be it.