Users permissions

New Contributor III


I have copied user data to a new computer using these commands.

1.  Login as an admin, open Terminal and use the following to push the user
folder to the external drive:

     rsync -aEv /Users/<username> /Volumes/ExternalHD

2.  Then use Casper to wipe the drive and lay down the 10.5.8 image and all

3.  Login to the machine as the user, then logout.

4.  Login to the machine as admin, open Terminal, then do the following:

     cd /Users/<username>
     rm -rf *
     rm -rf .*
     rsync -aEv /Volumes/ExternalHD/<username> ./
     cd ..
     chown -R <username>:staff <username>

5.  Logout and log back in as the user to verify all of their stuff is

The new user account is unable to write.

Here is what I have done so far.

Repair Permissions sudo chown -R <username> <directory> Went into cd /Users/<username>

typed ls ­l All of the permissions looked good to me

Any ideas?



Honored Contributor

Just off the top of my head, perhaps there are flags or ACLs being
copied which are not permitting you to write. Some things to look at

ls -alO (captial o not zero) which will list any flags the files may

to remove all ACLs you can do this

chmod -R -N /Users/username

You will need to run that as root, but ever since 10.5 Apple has put
ACLs in home directories for added permissions. Perhaps when copying
the data via rysnc with the -E option, you copied some extended
attributes over that do not match or like the new user account, probably
mismatching UIDs is my first guess.

Just a guess, but give it a go and see if it helps


New Contributor III

Thanks Thomas that worked!

What is the ­N trigger?