Using Google Drive to push PDF's and Filemaker Database to ipads

New Contributor


We have some databases and pdfs that we want to periodically push to specific iPads. Unfortunately we do not have an internal spot for hosting the files to deploy. So I'm trying to use Google Drive (we do have a google domain)

I created a folder in google drive and shared it with anyone who has a link then went in and created in-house eBook from a PDF in that folder, added that link to the eBook, set to make available in self service and put my iPad in the scope and it hasn't shown up. I also tried it linking directly to the PDF and it still didn't show up.

I have found that sometimes the URL's are too long so I used the google url shortener, but that didn't seem to fix it.

I also double checked to make sure the URLS I am using are accessible to anyone and they are.

Is there a way to do this using google drive or am I just out of luck? Ultimately I would love to be able to push PDFs and Filemaker Databases without any interaction from users.

Thanks for any help you can provide!



Honored Contributor

You may be interested in any of these feature requests:

They're all duplicates of each other.

EDIT: Sorry that this is not necessarily an answer to your question but the feature requests are relevant and the question does get asked from time to time. Maybe someone has another creative way of tackling the issue. Perhaps through webclips of some sort?