Using iBoss filtering with a Content Filter Configuration Profile

New Contributor III

The school district I work for has recently started the undertaking of 1:1 deployment and we have found ourselves in need of a filtering strategy as the iPads leave the district.

We currently employ the iBoss web filter which we have not had any issues with and are very happy with. They offer an application call "iBossConnect" which is meant to do exactly what we need, but we are unable to get it working. If anyone has used or is using the iBoss web filter and could help us to get things running we would greatly appreciate it.

If there is another way other than a configuration profile that would work we are open to suggestions.

Thanks in advance!!!


Release Candidate Programs Tester

I think what you are looking for is the "Global Proxy" configuration profile. This will filter your devices no matter where they go by forcing them to proxy back to your iBoss filter.

You will need to make sure that your iBoss routes to the outside world, and that that DNS is set up for both inside and outside your network for the filter.

New Contributor III

We are looking into using a proxy as well, but iBoss supplies an app that allows the user to download a local filter database which cannot be circumvented.

We spoke with the iBoss support team and got the app functional to a point, but we need to find out how to pass the username from JAMF to iBoss. They seem to think there is a formula that needs entered into the "username" field in the config file which will pass this along.

Has anyone had this issue as well either with the content filter or other setting?



@IT-CKrape did you end up getting things figured out with iBoss and config profiles? My district is exploring the possibility of going with iBoss and we are curious as to how things would be deployed through Jamf and how iBoss integrates with Jamf.

Thanks for any insight!

New Contributor III

@jr139 We were able to leverage the iBoss proxy settings. We essentially created a proxy location on our network which we force all iPads through. It has worked pretty well so far and we have not seen any major issues with it, but to be honest it was not the easiest solution to implement. We spent several hours on the phone with iBoss in order to confirm all settings were correct and to ensure there were no work arounds.

From what I have read since this implementation, it appear the Lightspeed may be a more MDM friendly content filter.

Hope this helps.... :-)