Very odd one drive and excel problem.

New Contributor II

We are having a very strange excel and one drive problem.  

If you use the one drive icon and use the folder view files button, any excel file you click on opens in read only mode.  If you open them in excel recent documents, they work fine.

What we have done:

We opened a Microsoft Case, and they examined the logs.

Then they had us remove our security agents. Same problem.

Then we removed management. And then it worked!

On our second test machine machine, we left the agents in place, and removed management and it worked again. So we're all scratching our heads.


New Contributor II

Had a similar issue. To correct this, we made sure OneDrive is set to open automatically AND that it appears in the system settings login items. If not, it'll work on locally cached documents instead of the true OneDrive location. We also had one case where OneDrive was updated from the App Store instead of a package, which changed the local OneDrive location without alerting the user or moving the old files.