View apple ID on devices

New Contributor

Just wanted to ask if it is possible, when viewing iPads in our jamf mdm, to see which apple ID is currently being used on any particular device? Our students should only be using our academy apple ID however we are finding that some are using their own apple ID's. Even if it mean creating a smart mobile device group or something? Not sure.

Many thanks.


Contributor III

I could be wrong, but I thought this was added to the MDM spec for iOS 9, but it doesn't look like JAMF has added it to the JSS yet.

There is a restriction to prevent the user from logging out of the currently signed-in AppleID. It would be hard to figure out who's signed in with the correct one though. but perhaps you could try pushing out a new app, setting a smart group for whatever devices have that app installed and using that as the scope for the configuration profile.

New Contributor

It's our own fault really because we accidentally deployed some iPads but had forgotten to set "Allow account modification to" off, and thus some students exploited that and signed in with their own apple ID's, but we're not sure how many. That's why I thought it would be handy to be able to see the apple ID when viewing device summary.