Posted on 05-18-2020 02:11 AM
Hi im trying to use the script here:
to keep our VLC player up to date but the URL link is dead, does anyone know of a working download link that would work.
Cheers all
Posted on 05-18-2020 04:48 AM
You can try replacing the URL in the script with:
edit; you may need to edit the script as it calls out n-1 and this directory only has the latest version
Posted on 05-18-2020 04:55 AM
Hi i have ended up using this script below and its working well, did try that url in the first script would download but wouldnt mount the image file.
This one is working:
mkdir /tmp/downloads
cd /tmp/downloads
Installing VLC Player
CurrentVLC=$(curl "" | grep .dmg | grep -v webplugin | grep -v md5 | grep -v sha1 | grep -v sha256 | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F ">" '{print $2}' | tr -d "</a")
curl -L -o vlc.dmg$CurrentVLC
rm -rf /Applications/
hdiutil mount -nobrowse vlc.dmg -mountpoint /Volumes/vlc
rsync -vaz /Volumes/vlc/ /Applications/
hdiutil unmount "/Volumes/vlc"
rm vlc.dmg
rm -rf /tmp/downloads*