VPP for Free Mac apps

Valued Contributor III

So we just upgraded to 9.82 and I am on the fence about using VPP to push Mac OS OneDrive to our users...

Has anybody done this with any free app? Did it work? Issues? I am guessing that I am going to need about 1,000 or so in VPP




New Contributor III

I guess that depends on if you have your iPads enrolled in the DEP program or not. With DEP, Apple has made it way easier to push out apps to devices.

New Contributor III

Doing this with iOS stuff now. Can't speak to Mac OS yet (but I'll be watching this thread.)

Couple things we've noticed:

  1. Purchase went fine through Apple VPP store, but the apps seem to show up in Casper in various amounts and at different times. For example, I just went through and added 1000 units of about 8 different free apps. Four of them showed up almost instantly, but there would be 322, 400, etc. showing instead of 1000. Ten minutes later, two more apps showed up. Eventually they all seem to get here though.

  2. We had some stuff sort of jam up when pushing the apps (although that was probably more due to the issue with iOS9.2 and seem better with 9.2.1). We're happy with setting them up in Self-serve though.

New Contributor III

@rusty.adams I've seen that happen with app purchases as well. I usually have to go in to the VPP accounts and hit refresh next to app in question and it sorts itself out. Usually the lag that you are seeing is just how often the jss gets info from the VPP account. In some cases, I'm impatient and have to manually "Update Purchased Content".

New Contributor

I've made a few free apps available in self service to both OS X and iOS using our hosted 9.82 with no issues. Make sure you populate the VPP tab of the App when you are getting ready to deploy it though.

I've experienced the same delay in having apps showing up in JSS after purchasing then in VPP. I've been told that the licenses come down in batches of 30 though so that could explain the available count slowly rising.

Valued Contributor III

Thanks everyone, I am seeing the delay too.....Over all it worked just like it should !!!

Thanks again !!!