Posted on 03-28-2017 07:24 AM
I live in Japan and am the admin for a group of teachers. We recently moved to Jamf from OSX Profile Manager. When I used to distribute apps from our VPP the descriptions were always in English. However, in the Jamf self serve they all default to the Japanese description and I am not sure how to change that setting. Is this forced because we use purchases from the Apple Japan?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Posted on 03-28-2017 10:41 AM
Yes, it pulls down the app store description at the time that you add it to your app catalog.
You can manually update the app descriptions, but I think if you turn on the auto-update feature for the app catalog it's just going to get over-written with the appropriate app store entry.
Depending on how many apps you have updating them manually probably isn't feasible.
Posted on 03-28-2017 01:05 PM
Thanks Emmert,
It actually turns out that it is grabbing from the very last field in the Mobile Device Apps General section. At the bottom is an App URL. They were all pointing to the Japanese URL by default. I removed the /jp/ part and now they are appearing in English again.