Posted on 06-18-2015 10:20 AM
We are setting up our VPP account and I input our users who will be admins and the invites were sent off. I can verify that two users did get their account setup invites, but I have one who never got it. I went in and verified that their information is all correct in the admin profile... and she claims it's not in her inbox, junk folder, anywhere.
I can find NO WAY to resend the invitation and even more horrifyingly I can find NO WAY to delete her pending admin account so that I might recreate it and resend the invite. If we can't delete admins then what do we do when someone leaves the company, they just maintain access to our VPP account!?!?!
Anyway... if anyone has any experience with this could you please offer guidance on how I can resend this user an invite so we can move on with our account? Thanks all!
Posted on 06-18-2015 03:10 PM
If you are on 9.72, click Users, search for your user and you can click Redo VPP Registration.
Posted on 06-18-2015 03:47 PM
There is a RESEND button at the bottom of the email invite page.
Posted on 06-18-2015 06:24 PM
No way to do it from Apple's direct site?
That's... insane.
Posted on 06-18-2015 07:58 PM
I'm confused as to how you are trying to attempt to create administrators by sending VPP invites?
There are two different administrator accounts that could be used with VPP, one that you create in and one that you create in the JSS under Settings>System Settings>JSS User Accounts & Groups.
It seems like you have confused what VPP invites do. All sending a VPP invite allows the user to do is download apps assigned to them, nothing more, it does not give them any kind of access to your JSS.
Posted on 06-18-2015 08:27 PM
I'm talking about the administrator accounts created by
When you add a user there, they are sent an email to set up an Apple ID to have plan administrator access to the company vpp. It includes access instructions and a temporary password for the newly created Apple ID. 2 users recieved their email, one did not. I need to figure out a way to resend out that initial email.
I'm also concerned that there is nowhere to delete users from that page, so anyone added will essentially just permanently have access to our vpp account?
Posted on 06-18-2015 08:32 PM
@hkabik I would suggest contacting Apple's VPP support for that issue.
I do not see anywhere to re-send an invitation or to delete an administrator from
On a side note, unless you have multiple Sites you are buying apps for and want to keep the apps separate, I would not suggest using multiple admin accounts to purchase vpp content.
Each account has a separate token, and you can only specify one token when creating a VPP assignment in the JSS. If you purchase apps over multiple accounts your licenses become segmented and it will make scoping much more difficult.
Posted on 06-18-2015 09:11 PM
Sigh... That info would have been useful here:
That'll teach me to follow apples instructions instead of coming here first.
Posted on 06-18-2015 09:22 PM
@hkabik I suggest doing your own testing with the two admin accounts you were able to add, but that is my experience.