webclips don't show up (MacOs)

New Contributor

so our school got our teachers MacBooks instead of iPads with keyboards because we saw that some teachers were already using that but it was still not working now I want to use the Web Clip function that is available in Jamf School for Mac but when I set it up correctly it will get pushed but then the MacBook say it is dummy content so the Mac can't do nothing with it can somebody help me.

( I am quiet new to Jamf school I am working for it now for 6 months with it because I got this job and I am the only one at my Job that works within the portal so any knoladge that i can use would be nice sure organisation exist out of 40 Macs and around 400 iPads )


New Contributor III


in regards to the Developer Documentation for the Web Clip Payload, you have to add the clips to the Dock and they are User install only. You have to create a User group with all the teachers and distribute the Web Clips to this group.

New Contributor III

Currently webclips for macOS is not working in Jamf School.

Pls refer to this link:- https://support.jamfschool.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002301113-Web-Clips-for-macOS