webclips on macs

Contributor III

I'm looking for a way to create a webclip for a specific site to deploy to a mac.  Some of our users have moved from ipads to macs and I would like to still provide the webclips we have pushed to their iPads for consistency.  It looks like there might be a way to create it and deploy to the dock.  Also saw some mention of Fluid - but not sure that is an option that can be deployed.


Release Candidate Programs Tester

There are a few options depending on your requirements.

  1. You can use a config profile with the Dock payload and add Dock Items with the URL.
  2. You could add items to the user's dock using a defaults write command
  3. or install and use dockutil 

Contributor III

You can actually make a file called thewebsite.url containing the following:


Which you could just have in the Applications folder, for example.

Contributor III

OMG I just came across the most obvious answer.  Book marks in Self Service!