Posted on 12-14-2018 07:16 AM
Just a general post, wondering what others, specifically in Higher Ed, are doing in Jamf?
I'll go over what I am doing in case it interests anyone.
Provisioning, taking advantage of DEP. Mac comes in the door, IT opens, turns on, starts the enrollment process, gets it to the lock screen, from where the enrollment policy is triggered which installs all the 3rd party tools and creates our local admin. Even created a custom splash screen that prevents a user from logging in during the provisioning process. Makes it similar to how our Windows computers are imaged.
Patching, using Jamf provided patching tiles. Looking into possibly taking advantage of the "External Sources" patching in the future.
Every Saturday around midnight, all Macs that are within the campus network segment will run software updates and reboot.
Software restrictions
Restrictions in Configuration Profiles; this is causing me the most headache. I am trying to push restrictions out to all Macs but to exclude administrators on each Mac. So lets say we have a Faculty who is an admin on their personal computer and uses a lab computer and doesn't have admin rights on it. The restrictions would need to be in place for the faculty on the lab machine but not the personal machine. As of now from what I've seen there's no way to exclude admins unless we exclude the restriction for the user on all Macs.
iPad Management; the hardest part here is keeping track of all of them. I've got only about 50 iPads right now (going to dramatically increase within the next 3 months), and I've got static groups for each lab, one for FacStaff, and one for Podiums. Something I plan to automate using the Jamf Pro API when I have time is adding a static mobile group to a list of Mobile Device Apps; It's tedious adding a static group to the scope of 30+ apps whenever a new lab decides they want iPads.