What's the best solution? Jamf Software, Patch Management, or Software Package?

New Contributor

Hello all! I've been having mixed results with Jamf Software and Patch Management for installing applications on user computers. With Jamf Software it took several hours before the first computer had the software (Grammarly Desktop) installed. A day later 1/3 of the 60 computers had it installed and now 3 days later there's a handful of computes where it's still pending, even with several successful checkins. Patch Management seems to randomly skip updates. Is creating a software package (and then a new one with each update) the most efficient way to manage applications?


Contributor III

As you can see there are pluses and minuses to them all.  It's a matter of what is best for your environment.  I'm sure many of us have tried all of the variations at some point - not to mention other 3rd party tie ins like Munki.  For us we have landed on Jamf Software.  I have noticed some apps are "fussy" installing the first time but updates seem to install timely as long as the staff members have devices on  and on a network.

New Contributor III

I have been using Installomator for deploying and maintaining most my applications.



For keeping them updated, I have an extension attribute that will check if the user is on the latest version of the application. If its not it will add them to a smart group that is scoped to the respective Installomator script pointing to the particular application.