Posted on 10-24-2012 07:22 AM
I want to make a package with Allow Applications Downloaded form: Anywhere enable by default.
So I need to find out where the .plist is to modify and make a package
Or do a default write..
Posted on 10-24-2012 07:25 AM
Posted on 10-24-2012 07:44 AM
Yes indeed I want to. Or at least I know now how to add manually some software we run inhouse (Cisco Anyconnect,etc) that it is blocked by this
Posted on 10-24-2012 09:37 AM
sudo spctl --master-disable
You can turn off gatekeeper with the spctl binary, but it might be more advantageous to use spctl to specifically (and programmatically) allow the apps you want to be white listed without end user intervention.
spctl --add --label "White List by policy XYZ on yy/mm/dd" /Applications/
A nice article on spctl and defaults was written by Charles Edge at Also, you could disable the launch services quarantine as well as those subsystems are not common.