why does JSS create a new home directory while deploying a pkg


Hi All

i was trying to deploy a chrome.pkg package. i download chrome.dmg and converted into .pkg, and chose owner as root under 'Applications' folder. it turned out chrome was installed under 'Applications' as expected, but i found it added a new home directory under /Users/, How can i deploy it correctly without creating any home directory?




Honored Contributor

If you built from what you've shown in that screenshot, you did not delete the Users folder and therefore the Users folder (and its content) are being deployed. What are you trying to achieve exactly? If it's just the app then delete everything but the Applications folder. If you are trying to set certain preferences for Chrome then look at this thread to look at a few of the options you can use: https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/discussion.html?id=14157

On another note, if you were to distribute that package as a DMG it should copy whatever is in the Users folder to other current users if you were to use the FEU (Fill Existing User) option in Casper Admin and it would fill the default Users Template if you used FUT (Fill User Template) option.

Valued Contributor III

When your doing complete stand alone apps (ones where the installer is just a drag this to Applications type DMG) just open Applications and drag Chrome directly from the Applications folder to the side bar of Composer, it will create a pkg or dmg containing just that item.

Valued Contributor

It creates those folders is because there have been some changes to files(primarily logs, default settings, etc) in those directories. That's what Composer is looking for. They are safe to delete out of there if you want to.