WiFi Profile and FileVault


I have successfully set up a WiFi profile that allows users to authenticate to AD via WiFi from the login prompt. This is awesome. Except when I set up FileVault on the machine.
Now, with Filevault enabled (pushed out via Casper), once the desktop loads WiFi is not connected unless I logoff and login authenticating via WiFi. If, once the desktop loads after logging in to FileVault, I connect to the WiFi and save that connection, when I logoff and attempt to login via WiFi, authentication fails until I delete the saved WiFi connection.
Wondering if this has to be an either/or scenario or if there might be another way


Valued Contributor III

You need to disable the autolog for filevault users.
This will mean the boot process will stop at the login window and reprompt for credentials.
Yes it's a double sign in, but it works...

I think this is the right command for it.

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow DisableFDEAutoLogin -bool YES