Posted on 07-13-2011 01:20 PM
This is more of a heads up than a fact about Lion.
I can't comment about a upgrading to Lion, but when user upgraded from our
enterprise 10.5 config to 10.6 themselves, the JAMF binary was there but the
hidden admin account disappeared. That might happen again when users
self-update from 10.6 to 10.7. I don't think Apple cares about migrating
non-Apple accounts below 501.
Posted on 07-13-2011 01:34 PM
Yep, we found that when the Mac OS X Installer DVD (disc) is used to upgrade, rebuild, clean install, etc., the Casper stuff breaks. So we make it a requirement to (1) reinstall QuickAdd, and (2) trigger a "redo" policy that runs all our one-time-per-computer policies. This gets the Macs back where they need to be. Won't know for sure if Lion will break any of the Casper stuff. I guess we'll have to wait until it's released to know for sure (so no last minute change to Lion effect results).
Posted on 07-13-2011 04:06 PM
Sounds to me like one thing the installer would do is remove all accounts below UID 501, then recreate them as part os the install process (I suspect the individual package installers create the appropriate accounts...). Obviously this means no accounts below UID 501 survive the upgrade process intact. Perhaps the best solution is to un-hide those accounts by changing their UID to something higher (1070 comes to mind), perform the upgrade, then hide them again. I suspect dscl can handle the UID manipulation. I may write a pair of scripts to take care of this, if someone wants.