Winclone image does not fully extract

New Contributor

Hi there,

My organization is new to both Casper and Winclone, and we're running into some issues with Windows deployment. I'm following the instructions here to create Winclone images: However, when I try to deploy my images, they appear to only partially extract, and none of the vital folders do (system32, for example).

I've tried using compressed & uncompressed images, but the behavior is the same in both instances. If I attempt to expand the volume post-boot with Winclone, the image extracts but the system boots to a blinking cursor, even after running startup repair & bcdedit from a Windows 7 disc.

Some additional info:
Casper version 8.52
Winclone version 3.4
I did make the packages self-extracting
Images are set as OS and given priority 2 in Casper

I'm grateful for any suggestions anyone might have.
