Would a Package built using composer with APFS work on a machines that has HFS

New Contributor

Hello All,
We are upgrading our machines to 10.13.6 in preparation for the upcoming semester. Has anyone encountered any issue running apps that were built on a machine with APFS on a HFS machine.


Valued Contributor II

no they won't, but there's an option to use hfs in composer.

Valued Contributor

No but yes is the answer.

If the machine is 10.12.4 or better it should read the APFS formatted DMG. But to be safe just make it HFS for the time being.

Honored Contributor

Or don't use DMG as a package format. Use pkg.

New Contributor

Thank You All for your feed back

New Contributor

WOW .... to answer your question... YES it will work I use Mojave and 60% of our machines are on Sierra and lower I currently create all my packages on Mojave

Valued Contributor III

Unless something has changed with JAMF 10.7
DMG = No
PKG = Yes
I have been exclusively using PKG for quite some time now, it just seems more reliable and gives you the options of post install scripts etc...