Posted on 06-08-2015 08:44 AM
No Apple TV, but maybe a music streaming service? And some updates on iOS 9 and OS X? We'll find out soon…
Posted on 06-10-2015 11:34 AM
@mm2270 they don't sell OS anymore. and Why is iOS9 ok, yet OS X 10.11 has to be called el capitan? Never use full screen so that does nothing for me. watching the video that @bcourtade posted and there seems to be some neat management stuff that they are adding. And rebooting my 10.11 machine has seemed to make it start working better. Still many things that are not working for me.
Posted on 06-10-2015 12:14 PM
I of course did not mean "sell" in the literal sense, but rather that Apple just loves to tout the massive adoption rate numbers at every possible presentation. Last thing they want is for adoption rate for a new OS to go down due to only bug fixes and nothing new, and that's precisely what would happen. Remember, we (enterprise) don't constitute the majority of their userbase, so they have to appeal to regular Joe home user to get them to upgrade. Otherwise, most would just stick with what they have? Why take the risk if you don't gain some new features (talking like a regular user now, not a Mac admin)
I get that some of the stuff announced is more fluff than substance, but I still think a few of the "features" shown were nice, and I may make use of them. I have not upgraded any of my personal Macs to 10.10, and my work system is still on 10.9. I refuse to upgrade to it due to the huge amount of bugs and issues it brought. My hope is 10.11 may change that.
Posted on 06-10-2015 12:22 PM
@McAwesome Not sure if that's what you mean, but:
CMD + `
allows you to jump through windows of the same application.
It personally took me a little while to get used to as I'm much more used to the way Windows handles it where every window can be jumped through via the equivalent of CMD + Tab key.