Xcode 7.0 CLI Tools

Honored Contributor

Has anyone been able to find the Xcode 7.0 CLI Tools for OS X 10.10. I'm able to get them from OS X Software Update, but in the past I've been able to just get them from the Dev site. They've since changed the entire layout of the Dev site though and the Apple Download site to the point where I can't actually find things to download.



You should be able to get it from the developer site's Download page. If you're on the Xcode page, click on 'additional tools' at the bottom. I was able to download it from there.

Honored Contributor

I didn't see it there, but you got me searching a bit more on the site. I really really hate the new layout. So much text that the links are hard to navigate within all that text that.

I finally got to the site I needed here: https://developer.apple.com/downloads/