xcode updates from app store / netsus question


I am in the process of setting up a netsus server in our environment. I have installed netsus and synced all updates to my server but I do not see any updates for xcode. I only see command line tools updates for xcode.

Does anyone know where or how xcode gets its updates? To test i have currently installed xcode version 8.33. The current version is now 9.2

App store (from apples server) does not show me any updates for xcode.

My netsus server also does not list any xcode updates. Any ideas?



NetSUS does not do App updates.

Would suggest a Caching Server and/or VPP.

Valued Contributor III

One caveat though, I've found with xCode that it gets hung up running updates from Apple through a caching server when using VPP. I also have noticed that xCode requires an admin to login again to download the extra content with each update. Real pain in the ass that I wish Apple would truly address so the community does not have to make specific scripts to get it installed properly.

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Princeton Public Schools


@BostonMac Thank you for clarifying that. Another question. Say i set up a netsus server and set up a policy to run software updates from that server. How does xcode or any other apps see updates? will those app updates still be available via the app store?