Yosemite Upgrade issue....

Contributor III

So where working on upgrading our 10.8 and 10.9 machines to 10.10. I packaged up the installer and in testing it's been working well. The method I've used is the following:
1) Check the encryption status on the machine. Should be encrypted with PGP.
2) If it's encrypted, tell it to start decrypting. 3) Monitor the machine until the decryption is done.
4) Once it's decrypted, download and cache the installer (since it's 5.2 gig)
5) Wait until night time (10 pm) and run the installer, this ensures the user is off the machine and won't be interuppted.
6) Install extra components as needed. I currently just update the Java since our mail client depends on it.
7) Reboot and should go into the installer to finish. That process takes about 20 minutes and if all goes well they boot up into 10.10.5.

In testing this all works amazing. But we started UATing it and have fun into multiple instances where on step 7 it's booting up into the hard drive like normal, and not going into the Yosemite installer to finish up. So need to resolve this issue. If I reboot the machine and hold down option I can see a "OS Installer" and the hard drive name.

So initially I though Apple installs another partition and boots up from there. But looking at diskutil list shows no new partition. So I started looking on the hard drive and found that it creates a "OS X Install Data" folder on the root of the hard drive. So I tried using the bless command and telling it to use that folder, but I'm not having much luck. It seems to keep booting in the normal hard drive.

Anyone else have this happen to them? Any solution? I would think I just need a command to tell ot boot into that drive...but haven't had much luck yet. In our testing about 5% of them machines had this happend. It UAT testing, weve had about 75% machines exhibit this behavior.


Valued Contributor

Set the Startup Disk in the Restart Options section of the upgrade policy to:

Currently Selected Startup Disk (No Bless)

I also found I had to set the Action to Restart, not Restart if a package requires it.

Contributor III

Will give that a shot. I'll report back after testing.

Contributor III

So seems like either setting it to "Selected Startup Disk (No Bless)" or "OS X Installer" doesn't seem to help. So I tried something else. I removed the restart portion from the policy and just had the script I ran reboot the machine at the end. So far it seems to be working, but I"m going to test it in the UAT to trully find out.

Contributor III

So the issue seems to be coming up again. We were able to update a lot of machines with about 5% having to manually reboot. This weekend it seems like most of the machines aren't booting into the OS X installer partition. I tried all the options above but nothing seems to work.

I've even added a bless --info command to the logging to make sure the OS X install Data folder is blessed and in every case it is.

Can you guys think of anything else that would be blocking it from booting up into the OS X installer partition? I'd hate to have to send desk side to all the machines just to reboot it manually into the partition.

Here's what the log file shows the bless is:
Bless Info
finderinfo[0]: 15660204 => Blessed System Folder is /OS X Install Data
finderinfo[1]: 15660214 => Blessed System File is /OS X Install Data/boot.efi
finderinfo[2]: 0 => Open-folder linked list empty
finderinfo[3]: 0 => No alternate OS blessed file/folder
finderinfo[4]: 0 => Unused field unset
finderinfo[5]: 15660204 => OS X blessed folder is /OS X Install Data
64-bit VSDB volume id: 0xA9D9D316180E8182