I try to delete users from a Mac with a script in Jamf School. The script is correct and works perfectly fine in Jamf Pro.
In Jamf School it results in an error:
<main> delete status: eDSPermissionError
<dscl_cmd> DS Error: -14120 (eDSPermissionError) (1)
Has anyone an idea to solve this issue?
This is the script:
users=$( dscl . ls /Users | grep -v '_' | grep -v 'root' | grep -v 'daemon' | grep -v 'nobody' | grep -v 'localadmin' | grep -v 'BEHEER' | grep -v 'Guest' )
echo "Removing user accounts."
for a in ${users}; do
# delete user
/usr/bin/dscl . delete /Users/"$a" || { echo "Could not remove user $a"; exit 1; }
# delete home folder
/bin/rm -rf /Users/"$a" || { echo "Could not remove home directory of $a"; exit 2; }
echo "Executed for: $a"
echo "Users accounts removed!"
exit 0