Overdue license

New Contributor III

Can someone tell us if there is any option to know what was the last device is enrolled at Jamf School to check what happens when you are in overdue lincense process.


Thank you


New Contributor III

I'm sure you are aware of the bottom item in the left Pane, License Management. Then scroll down, and click the blue button, License Assignments. From here you can sort columns by date.

We don't have a date info column with information, it's blank



Hmmm, I'm not sure. My header menu looks just like yours. Under "Assign Date", I see the date the device was enrolled, by clicking on that it sorts from earliest enrolled to latest enrolled.

New Contributor III

Your licenses are perpetual or recurring ones?

Perpetual. Also, I enrolled them with Device Enrollment, not User Enrollment, if that makes a difference.