01-20-2023 10:09 AM - edited 01-20-2023 10:13 AM
Join us this Friday February 3rd for LaunchPad - The monthly Jamf Admin Meetup!
In addition to the Gravity Times, where we bring Apple/Jamf updates, news and rumors down to earth, our illustrious and knowledgeable Dev Ops Engineer, Chad Lawson, will be presenting Shell Games -or- Why Jamf Admins Should Switch to Zsh.
Beginning with Catalina (10.15), Apple changed the default login shell from Bash to Zsh. Many admins, ourselves included, have been slow to move to this new shell. Why should we? It turns out there are few advantages to Zsh over Bash. In this session we’ll show off a few ways we’ve been able to leverage Zsh to write better scripts, and even regain some of what we lost when Python went away.
Hope to see you there!
Posted on 03-31-2023 05:44 AM
How can I join?
Posted on 04-01-2023 04:48 PM
Good Afternoon Beverly,
Our next LaunchPad Meetup is this coming Friday, April 7th at Noon MST. Here's the registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEuf-itpzkpHtcymTtRwIxid9Z1cIgUtqC4
This next LaunchPad meetup will be on providing Zero Touch Guided Setup for Camera, Microphone, and Screen Sharing. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Posted on 04-14-2023 06:58 AM
How can I sign up?
Posted on 04-17-2023 09:18 AM
Good Morning @jessicadoolin12!
Our next meetup will be May 5th at Noon MST. Here's the link to register: https://rkmn.tech/launchpad
Looking forward to see you there!
2 weeks ago
Great topic! I’ve been curious about Zsh and its benefits over Bash. Looking forward to learning more in the session!
For anyone into game server management, check out minescraftapks.com.tr for some useful resources.