
Today we are releasing Jamf Pro 10.48. Highlights of this release include:

Conditional Access to Device Compliance Migration
A migration path from the legacy Microsoft Partner Device Management API (macOS Conditional Access) to the new Microsoft Partner Compliance Management API (macOS Device Compliance) is now available.

Jamf Pro Dashboard Redesign
The Jamf Pro Dashboard is refreshed to improve the user experience and includes several accessibility improvements.


For additional information on what's included in this release, review the release notes via the Jamf Learning Hub.

To access new versions of Jamf Pro, log into Jamf Account with your Jamf ID. The latest version is located in the Products section under Jamf Pro.


Cloud Upgrade Schedule

Your Jamf Pro server, including any free sandbox environments, will be updated based on your hosted data region below. Review this guide if you need assistance identifying the Hosted Data Region of your Jamf Cloud instance.


Hosted Region Begins Ends
ap-southeast-2 21 July at 1400 UTC 21 July at 2300 UTC
ap-northeast-1 21 July at 1500 UTC 22 July at 0100 UTC
eu-central-1 21 July at 2200 UTC 22 July at 0800 UTC
eu-west-2 21 July at 2300 UTC 22 July at 0600 UTC
us-east-1-sandbox/us-west-2-sandbox 22 July at 0000 UTC 22 July at 1000 UTC
us-east-1 22 July at 0400 UTC 22 July at 1700 UTC
us-west-2 22 July at 0700 UTC 22 July at 2000 UTC
Valued Contributor

Does this resolve PI112050?  It's not listed in the resolved features, but it is wrecking havoc on setups where people use Enrollment Customizations on their prestages.

Valued Contributor II

Sadly I don't see this PI on the resolved list either:

PI111850 - VPP monitor events flooding change management logs

This is huge for me as searching the Change logs has become almost impossible. 


@McAwesome thank you for the call-out! PI112050 was fixed in 10.48; we're updating Release Notes now.

Update: The list has been republished: https://learn.jamf.com/bundle/jamf-pro-release-notes-current/page/Resolved_Issues.html

Contributor II
Contributor II

Heya @Tribruin - that issue has been resolved and the fix will be released with 10.49 🙂


@PCalomeni thanks for the update! We really need this fix in our environment as well!


Regarding Conditional Access to Device compliance migration. The documentation states 


  • Jamf Pro 10.48.0 or later

  • Devices registered under the Conditional Access integration

  • Jamf Cloud-hosted environment (The macOS Device Compliance migration is not available for Jamf Pro servers in AWS GovCloud. This migration should not be used by customers utilizing Conditional Access with the US Government Sovereign Cloud.)

Is Device compliance not available to on-premise users? If not, will it be available in a future update before EOL of conditional access in mid 2024?

Contributor III

So are all of these great new features only available to JamfCloud customers? Because I'm not seeing anything on my on-prem for the new software update experience - despite the email that announced it for on-prem customers calling it out as a feature.


Are we once again being told we don't matter?

Contributor II
Contributor II

Heya @barnesaw - this is available for all customers, the feature just needs to be turned on. After updating to Jamf Pro 10.48, under the Computers and Devices tab there is a new Software Updates item in the sidebar. Head there, and enable the workflow, and you're off and away! Here are the docs on the feature for additional reference once the workflow is enabled.

Contributor III

@iMatthewCM So I wasn't seeing it on multiple machines and multiple browsers. I made sure I had granted myself the newest permissions for the Managed Software Update Plans, but I had forgotten to log out and back in. Apologies (and can't edit my original post).

Contributor III
Contributor III

Hi @DavidN, Jamf currently has no plans to offer Device Compliance to on-premise customers. iOS Device Compliance is available for cloud-hosted environments only and macOS Device Compliance is following that footprint. We believe that by leveraging cloud technologies, Jamf can deliver a more robust and scalable solution, by providing on-demand monitoring, logging capabilities, as well as faster delivery, support, and maintenance of features.
We understand that this can be a challenge for some organizations. We would love to hear feedback from the community around what roadblocks there are for Jamf Cloud adoption, so that we can focus on removing them.
Jamf will replace Conditional Access support in a future release of Jamf Pro due to the migration away from the legacy Microsoft's Partner Device Management API. The estimated removal date is late 2024. The legacy Partner Device Management API will remain active for at least one year, allowing organizations leveraging the legacy API time to migrate to the Microsoft's new Partner Compliance Management API.




Is it me or did the font change to a smaller Arial Black font on the Dashboard?  Seems to be hard on my eyes.  Anyway to change the font on the Dashboard?

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi @DMH2000! Thank you for your feedback on the dashboard. We agree that we can make improvements to the font size on the page and will be working to update this for an upcoming release. In the shorter term, we recommend utilizing built-in browser font scaling to improve the experience.

New Contributor III

@austin_stewart Please: don't just adjust the font topic. Colors are also horrible! It's just not that easy to see right now (if they really want to keep this setting please offer a choice to the user which colours he wants to see!).

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi @jlattke thank you for your feedback! I have seen that there is a lot of feedback on this topic and we will continue to discuss with our teams internally to find the best path forward.


I just posted some issues with the Dashboard concerning limited lines in title and cut off text in those limited lines. Here: https://community.jamf.com/t5/jamf-pro/jamf-10-48-dashboard-re-design-bold-choices/m-p/296098#M26228...

New Contributor III

Meanwhile there is 10.50 – and it's still crappy … seems like they'll are still involved into discussions. No one left to fix the failed redesign.

Version history
Last update:
‎07-10-2023 05:34 AM
Updated by: