
Today we are releasing a maintenance version of Jamf Pro; this release addresses the following product issues:

  • [PI124276] In Jamf Pro instances hosted in Microsoft Azure, a port number is no longer incorrectly appended to the end of the IP Address field in a device's inventory record, which previously prevented any changes to the General pane from being saved.
  • [PI125557] The device compliance for shared devices workflow to configure iOS apps no longer causes issues for apps other than Jamf and Microsoft apps. Note: Devices in scope of device compliance for shared devices will have a Single Sign-On Extensions payload deployed to them. If devices in the Applicable Group had a Single Sign-On Extensions payload deployed to them previously, device compliance will not be enforced on those devices until the old Single Sign-On Extensions payload is removed.


For additional information on what's included in this release, review the release notes via the Jamf Learning Hub.

To access new versions of Jamf Pro, log into Jamf Account with your Jamf ID. The latest version is located in the Products section under Jamf Pro.


Cloud Upgrade Schedule

Your Jamf Pro server, including any free sandbox environments, will be updated based on your hosted data region below. Review this guide if you need assistance identifying the Hosted Data Region of your Jamf Cloud instance.

If you would like to upgrade manually, log in to Jamf Account and select Jamf Pro Info >; click Upgrade on the appropriate instance. Note: This capability is not available for GovCloud environments and is disabled for all instances one day prior to when the scheduled standard upgrades begin.

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Hosted Region Begins Ends
ap-southeast-2 31 January at 1300 UTC 31 January at 1900 UTC
ap-northeast-1 31 January at 1500 UTC 31 January at 2300 UTC
eu-central-1 31 January at 2300 UTC 1 February at 1000 UTC
eu-west-2 1 February at 0000 UTC 1 February at 0700 UTC
us-east-2 1 February at 0500 UTC 1 February at 1500 UTC
us-west-2 1 February at 0800 UTC 1 February at 1900 UTC
Version history
Last update:
‎01-27-2025 12:21 PM
Updated by: