@scubastove I use below script to demote all users to standard from
admin except jamf mgmt account. Our jamf mgmt account is admin. Hence
the script will demote all users except "admin"
!/bin/bashParametersmgmtAccount="admin" # Required; Example:
@scubastove I use below script to demote all users to standard from
admin except jamf mgmt account. Our jamf mgmt account is admin. Hence
the script will demote all users except "admin" !/bin/bash Parameters
mgmtAccount="admin" # Required; Example: s...
I use below script to fetch last logged in user's user id. !/bin/sh
lastUser=defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow
lastUserName if [ $lastUser == "" ]; then echo "No
logins"else echo "$lastUser"fi