@talkingmoose This worked perfectly, thanks! !/usr/bin/osascript tell
application "Microsoft Outlook" try set ldap server of exchange account
1 to "xxxxx.xxxxx.com" end tryend tell Created the script, attached to
policy with a trigger of a login hook...
@talkingmoose Thoughts on updating an existing Outlook 2016 account with
a new directory service server name? Something like this? tell
application "Microsoft Outlook"try set ldap server:xxxxxxxxxxxend tryend
@jhbush1973 In this case, my script is removing the licensing plist
'/Library/Preferences/com.microsoft.office.licensing.plist' - not the
system level /Library/Preferences/com.microsoft I'm not deleting in that
path. This explains the user experience...
Has anyone seen by uninstalling Office 2011 with Office 2016 installed
that users are being prompted to Activate Office 2016 for Mac? After
running the script(s) above, each targeted Mac, the user is being
prompted to activate. Only after reinstallin...
@AdamH I am seeing the behavior you're describing on Outlook 15.19.1. I
also took the liberty of toggling from online to offline within the
first time Outlook being launched after entering password, it has no
affect. Only after closing Outlook and re...