New Contributor III

Joined: June 2012

User Statistics

  • 24 Posts
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  • 14 Kudos given
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User Activity

Is there a macOS command-line tool available for JSON that provides parsing functions like xmllint?I seem to be able to find lots of validators and pretty-printers. But I need a tool I can run inside shell scripts to parse output responses from Jamf ...
Does anyone have a way to stop the file (open/save, etc.) dialogs from resetting to a "default" size? If I change an open/save dialog to a more reasonable size to show desired information, this change isn't persistent. The next file open/save dialog ...
I am using dscl to pull membership information from an AD group. I break the response down to a series of lines containing computer names or user names; this is the result of passing the dscl output through a pipeline. I have verified that the pipeli...
Is there a reliable way to disable fast user switching (programmatically or via profiles) in macOS 10.13 and 10.14? Thanks, -- M
Can anyone confirm that Endgame have demonstrated 0-day availability of their endpoint protection tools for Apple's new macOS releases? Thanks, -- M
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