Hiya, Does anyone know if Jamf have published slides/scripts etc from
the presentations at the Jamfnation Roadshow in London on Wednesday?
I've had a bit of a dig around and can't find anything. Many thanks!
@tcandela If you install the original package, yes. I was describing the
behaviour where the installer creates a user account called
panopto_upload, which the app requires to work.
@tcandela Panopto requires the hidden user account its package
postinstall script creates, as the app uses this for background
uploading when the user logs out etc. Because of that, repackaging the
app by itself won't work.
I'm afraid I haven't tested with Catalina and I'm not deploying it where
I work now. I would say the best option is to push back to the vendor's
support and get them to fix their package so it can accomplish what it
needs to do without running a scri...