Is there a possibility to change the description of App Store
deployments in Self Service? I wish I could provide a personal
description rather than the original description. I've looked at the
Apple Business Manager but found no possibility.In Jamf ...
Hey there,this topic is pretty old but I've resolved my own issue with
this topic today and wanted to make this solution public: If you set
"Maximum Auto-Lock" in the "Passcode" Payload, you're configuring the
"Lock Screen, setting the time for "Star...
Hi stavo707,I'm using "Setup-Your-Mac" from Dan Snelson and run
Build-Custom-Dock als a policy with a custom trigger from within that
setup routine. I didn't work on the issue any longer because running the
policy with a custom trigger and no after e...
Hi JBartkowiak, this works still with macOS Sonoma. You can skip one
PLIST though and lock "User & Groups" through the GUI of the
Restrictions-Payload (Preferences, Restricts items in System
Preferences, disable selected items, User & Groups). I'm st...