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I am running a number of "do shell script" commands in an Xcode
application and am able to run every command in the background
(non-blocking) by using &. This is an example of recon which can
successfully be run in the background:ex) do shell script ...
Morning All -My objective is to create display a message when an
application (Omnigraffle) is opened for the 1st time and only the 1st
time. The application is being installed as part of our Coreload so I
cannot rely on the native "complete message" ...
Does anyone know of a way that will let me change the Recovery Key help
message from: “If you forgot your password, you can… …reset it using
your Recovery Key” to some other message? My organization utilizes
Casper to centrally manage individual reco...
My organization is investigating the viability of allowing users an
option via Self Service, of activate Time Machine backup on their
systems,using OS X Server as the backup destination. Is this possible?
Specifically, is it possible to create a Self...
Greetings -Is anyone aware of a method to programmatically validate a
FV2 recovery key?