Published on ‎03-25-2024 02:05 PM by | Updated on ‎03-25-2024 02:35 PM

Wednesday March 27th at 5:30 PDT/MST. March Madness is here and so is our next meeting.

Hello all. Our Next meeting will focus on: Turbo Charging your Self-Service.

We have a Triple Threat of speakers at this meeting. For Starters we have John Mahlman who is going to show us his workflows in Self-Service involving DEP-Notify. Next, we have Christopher Kemp, he will do a continuation of his presentation at JNUC 2023 on Self-Service. At the end we have Bart Reardon who will be showing some workflows he has developed and answering questions on Swift Dialog and his workflows. This will be on Zoom.

We hope to see you then.

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Contributor III

New Contributor III

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Wed, Mar 27, 2024 05:30 PM PDT
Wed, Mar 27, 2024 09:00 PM PDT
New Contributor III

Great topics and great speakers. Very interested to pick their brains. Going to share this with a few others as well.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Hey gang, JamfNation's messaging mechanism is being more difficult than usual with message limitations. (Can't send to more than one person at a time now, and the timer on how many messages you can send is being unusually strict.) I'll keep working on it, but if you've not received the link from me in the next little bit, please feel free to dm me and I'll see if it lets me reply to that.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Ok, everyone who RSVPed as Yes or Maybe as of.... NOW.... should have the link - either through a message here or on the MacAdmins Slack.  If I've missed you or you're seeing this after the fact, DM me either here or on Slack (Thom Martin) and I'll get it to you.

I may be a few minutes late to the meetup, but Mark will have everything well under control. :)

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Wonderful meetup last night! Thanks to everyone who was able to join us - especially our friends on the East coast who stayed up late on a "school night" to share knowledge with us!

Explorer III

I'm working on Self Service today!  Got inspired after last nights meeting. Thanks everyone!

Visitor II

Somehow missed yesterday meeting. Is there any way to access the recorded session?

New Contributor III

Unfortunately I wasn't able to join, middle of bath time and night time routine. Is there a recording? 

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@PKap@mlopezWe don't have a recording of the meetup, but here are some resources for our guests' topics:

John Mahlman talked about using DEPNotify to provide users with progress feedback on Self Service policies, based on this blog post:

Chris Kemp did a condensed version of his JNUC 2023 presentation. His JNUC session is available here:

Bart Reardon showed a number of ways to utilize swiftDialog. His GitHub is: