App version iD for MacOS and iOS

New Contributor

is App version iD for each Apps in the Appstore available and can it be viewed from an apple account.


Esteemed Contributor

Assuming I understand your question correctly of the App Version ID meaning the Application Version.

  • This can be viewed a few different ways by a user on macOS, the simplest of which is right click and app, get info, and version is in the list. The other approachable way is under software in system profiler. Us Admins may want to just look at the info.plist in the application bundle. 
  • For iPadOS/iOS the user would look in settings for the app, and the version is in there. The user can also look in the Appstore for the version of a given app that is installed.


I'm not sure what you are asking with the Apple Account. The user can see apps they purchased and have licenses to in their Account, but this really has nothing to do with what is installed on a device they use.