Jamf Connect 2.9.1 Now Available

New Contributor
New Contributor

Today we released Jamf Connect 2.9.1 to fix the following issues:

Resolved Issues

  • [JC-3740] In Jamf Connect Configuration, selecting then deselecting the Automatically Open Jamf Connect at Login​ checkbox on the ​Connect​ pane no longer removes additional apps from users' login items. ​
  • ​​[JC-3737] The Automatically Open Jamf Connect at Login​ setting is now respected when an end-user selects this preference from the menu bar app's Preferences window. ​​
  • ​​[PI109800] Jamf Connect no longer launches prematurely while users are setting up their Mac with Apple Setup Assistant.​
  • ​​​[JC-3702] In Jamf Connect Configuration, the tooltip for the ​Use Passthrough Authentication​ checkbox on the Login​ pane is now translated into supported languages. Supported languages include English, German, Spanish, French, and Japanese. 

Product Documentation

For more information, including Release Notes, please see the Jamf Connect Administrator Guide.

Thank you!

The Jamf Connect team


Valued Contributor II

Awesome job getting this hotfix out! Thanks for the update.

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