Jamf Connect and DNS

New Contributor

Recently got Jamf Connect onboarded and half our machines are on it and it's been great.  We are using Okta and have had no issues except for dns.  I cannot get the machines to register to dns.  Suffix list works and the machines are able to use shortnames etc. while on vpn (global protect).  yet the machines unable to register.


I don't really see any errors, it's just like it's not trying.  Best I can tell it may be a kerberos realm issue?  If I have to bind the mac anyway then i'm going to regret buying Connect pretty fast.  The whole point was to get away from binding.  Does anyone have a guide for something like this?


New Contributor

Running this script:


# en0 = ethernet - en1 = airport - choose the right interface !
IPADDR=`/sbin/ifconfig utun0 | grep 'inet ' | awk '{print $2}'`
HOSTNAME=`scutil --get ComputerName`

# Optionally set the name server (if not present, it uses system default).
echo server > $TMPDIR/nsupdate

# Change > to >> if name server set.
echo update delete "${HOSTNAME}" A > $TMPDIR/nsupdate
echo update add "${HOSTNAME}" 86400 A "${IPADDR}" >> $TMPDIR/nsupdate
echo show >> $TMPDIR/nsupdate
echo send >> $TMPDIR/nsupdate

nsupdate -d -k keyfile $TMPDIR/nsupdate


It's constantly trying the wrong IP that isn't defined anywhere-  


; Communication with failed: timed out

/AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/d9889869-120b-11ee-b796-7a03568b17ac/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/bind9/bind9/lib/dns/name.c:1023: REQUIRE((__builtin_expect(!!((source) != ((void*)0)), 1) && __builtin_expect(!!(((const isc__magic_t *)(source))->magic == ((('D') << 24 | ('N') << 16 | ('S') << 8 | ('n')))), 1))) failed, back trace

#0 0x1050c17c0 in ??

#1 0x1050c16f4 in ??

#2 0x104fca20c in ??

#3 0x104f86d58 in ??

#4 0x104f86f1c in ??

#5 0x104f872f0 in ??

#6 0x1050de934 in ??

#7 0x1845b7fa8 in ??

#8 0x1845b2da0 in ??