Jamf Connect incorrectly reporting password mismatch

Valued Contributor II

I have an open case with Jamf on this, but I wanted to see if anyone else has seen this issue. 

Over the past two weeks, we are seeing a huge increase in users receiving Jamf Connect notification that their Okta password is different from the password saved in Jamf Connect and that they need to sign-in to Jamf Connect again. 

Normally, this only happens if the user's password gets changed remotely. However, in all cases, the user's password has NOT changed. 

The bigger issue is that this will continue every time JC checks the password again. Sometimes is happens just a few times and go away, other times it will go on all day. Needless to say, my users are getting frustrated. 

Anyone seen this issue?


Valued Contributor

Usually when this pops up, I have them do something a bit unintuitive.

  1. Click on the Reset Password link
  2. Do not reset their password
  3. Close it immediately
  4. Sign back in.

For whatever reason this tends to resolve this issue.