MDM to Netflix

New Contributor

I bought a MBP last year that came with Monetary OS installed. During setup I connected to the internet just fine with no issues.

A year later I upgraded my computer and was going to sell the one I got last year, I went to do a full wipe of the drive and install Ventura OS. Upon setting it up and connecting to the internet I was presented with a message stating my device can be configured my Netflix remotely.

I am curious as to how initially I never saw that message then when I go to upgrade the OS now my device is somehow MDM locked?

Of course I have no way of contacting Netflix IT to resolve this as I feel this is some mistake. Is there any way to get this unmanaged or removed? When I continue with the setup it takes to a screen where at the bottom I can see different servers like jamfcloud as if its trying to connect and then it brings me to a screen to sign in to google, if I do that it just errors out. My only way to bypass is to not connect to the internet but I had to downgrade back to Monetary in order to do so.

Any help would be appreciated as Apple refuses to help and again there is no way to contact Netflix since their customer service refuses to transfer me to a supervisor.



On the remote management screen where you see the computer will be managed by Netflix, look for a link that says something like, “Learn more about remote management.” Netflix has the option to include more information such as a phone number. If they’ve done that, you’ll find it after clicking the link.

Legendary Contributor III

Hi. Unfortunately there is nothing anyone here on this forum can do to help with this (unless they happen to work in Netflix IT). What you're seeing is the device is enrolled in Apple Business Manager, and is trying to redirect the device to enroll in Netflix's MDM, which it sounds like is a Jamf cloud server. There's no way for an end user to bypass this. Only the company that the device is registered to can assist you.

If I may ask, where did you buy the Mac from? Was it someone selling it personally or a reseller of some kind? I'm sorry to say it, but there's as much a possibility that this Mac was stolen property and sold to you as it is that it's just a mistake on Netflix's part. The latter can and does happen of course. Sometimes devices are sold from a company and they forget to remove the device from Apple Business Manager.

If you're wondering why you didn't see the enrollment message back when you got it, but are seeing it now, well, a Mac can be enrolled in Apple Business Manager, but not actually be assigned to do remote enrollment on the Jamf server, and then later can be put into the queue for remote enrollment. So it's possible it wasn't set for enrollment at first, but somewhere along the line, got assigned to do the remote enrollment by someone at Netflix.

Sorry, I wish I could offer something more, but the only way to resolve this will be to somehow get in touch with Netflix corporate office and see if they can direct you to someone in their IT division. A quick Google search pulls this up for the numbers - (408) 540-3700 or (408) 540-3737. I would not try their regular customer service number as this is just for helping people with their Netflix accounts. I'm not surprised they have no idea where to direct you when you speak to them.

Legendary Contributor III

This Mac is enrolled in Netflix Apple Business Manager. There's no way for an end user to bypass it. You should contact their corporate office, not their regular customer service line. A quick Google search pulls this up for the numbers (408) 540-3700 or (408) 540-3737.

I hate to say it, but it's just as possible this is a stolen Mac sold to you as it is that Netflix made a mistake. Especially if you bought it from a person on the internet. Mistakes can and do sometimes happen. Occasionally companies sell older devices and forget to release them from Apple Business Manager, but they should be able to help you figure out the deal with it.