Testing Jamf Connect - how to reset privilege escalation counter?

Legendary Contributor III

Hi all. We're testing out Jamf Connect here for an eventual rollout to all our Macs a little later this year.

One of the things I'm looking at is the recently added privilege escalation process Jamf added to Connect. It seems to work pretty well, and makes it easy for an end user to ask for temp admin.

I have it set to only allow a set number of escalations per month per the documentation. But one question I had was, what happens if a user uses up their monthly allotment, and I decide I'd like to reset the counter for that month for that user or device, or extend an additional privilege escalation to them?

It doesn't seem like there's a way to do this. I've been looking for something that tells Jamf Connect that they've used their allotted privilege escalations, either in Jamf Pro or on the device. I suspect since Jamf Connect can be MDM agnostic this is held somewhere within the device itself or within the Jamf Connect application. But I've yet to find any information on how this works, or how to reset it.

Has anyone looked into this before?


Contributor II

Doing a quick review of the documentation and there doesn't appear to be a way you can do this. Perhaps reach out to support and/or submit a feature request