a month ago
We are on Jamf Now and I have added SAP Privileges to all the devices to allow my team to make themselves an admin. This is installed via the App Installer and added to the device Blueprint. It was working well, but I think recently it automatically updated to version 2.0 of Privileges, and now has stopped allowing users to escalate themselves to admin - everyone is stuck as a standard user.
I suspect this is because the new 2.0 upgrade needed to reinstall the Helper tool, but when it auto-updated the users were all in standard access mode. And now we are stuck with no way to change this. Is there a way to prompt Jamf to install the Helper tool so that Privileges will work again?
a month ago
There are updated configuration profile options for version 2. It's outlined here: https://github.com/SAP/macOS-enterprise-privileges/wiki/Managing-Privileges
a month ago
@daniel_behan Thanks for this. I am finding the docs a bit confusing to be honest. I can see a set of example Profiles, which I have one in place that matches the parameters in these. Then at the bottom there is an entirely different Profile, with a bunch of parameters I don't see documented anywhere. Do you know if there is documentation for this somewhere?
a month ago
I'd need to know how your version 1 was setup. The big difference is there's no Helper Tool in /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools. So if it's still there, it's a remnant of version 1. I'd compare your original config profile with the new examples and look for items that can be swapped. For me DockToggleTimeout changed to ExpirationInterval, which was the biggest difference. I only have the app deployed to members of a specific group, so I didn't need to change any settings related to user or group limitations.