10.13.2 Supplemental Update Workaround

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey Jamf Nation!

As some of you have noticed, if you're Collecting Available Software Updates during a recon, your 10.13.2 Macs that have not yet ran the Supplemental update released today may not be submitting inventory.

To resolve the issue either:

Update your 10.13.2 Mac to the supplemental update.


Turn off collect available software updates from inventory collection preferences within your Jamf Pro Server (if you are collecting them) until your 10.13.2 Macs have updated to the supplemental updates.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey @acaveny,

Yep, that issue is resolved. There was a manual workaround that could be applied to the database schema file to get around the issue - that workaround is not necessary going forward, as we made a change in the code to accept unexpected naming conventions for available Software Updates.
