10.5.8 on New Unibody MacBook Pro: Keyboard Backlight

New Contributor

We just received a new Unibody MacBook Pro and successfully loaded OSX 10.5.8 on the machine with Casper Imaging. However the only "bug" I've found involves the keyboard Backlight. The keyboard backlight is only supposed to "turn on" when in low light (Sensor by the iSight). However, in this case it is on all the time and when the light sensor is activated it does not change. The preferences are set the way they should (System Prefs> Displays> Dislpay> Checkmark next to "Automatically adjust brightness as ambient light changes" & System Prefs> Keyboard> "Illuminate keyboard in low light conditions").

I'm assuming this is due to loading Leopard on a machine built for Snow Leopard. Is there a fix for this? I've tried replacing a few extensions (all with no luck). Anything else to try, or is this something we'll just have to "deal with" until we upgrade our Macs to 10.6?

Thanks you all!
Noah Swanson
Imaging Specialist
Enterprise Desktop Services
Phone: 309-765-3153
SwansonNoah at johndeere.com