Posted on 09-02-2014 12:12 PM
I am writing about, what I hope, is a non-JAMF issue. It concerns the failure of Mavericks to unmount a network home directory at logout. This is a bad deal for us.
So here is a quick short about my environment and what I am seeing:
Time: This may have been going on the past 10 months.
NetHome: Our network homeDir users are all using AD-bound, SMB-based, non-local homeDir, to a 10.9.4 client. Fast User switching is NOT turned on nor is a profile touching that feature.
How we see it: A netHome user will log into the machine and their homeDir appears in /home/$USER. The user logs out of the box. If, through terminal, I ls /home/ I will see the user's homeDir still appears. If a different user logs into the computer, they too will have a homeDir appear in /home/. A restart fixes this issue.
Possible work known workarounds: Restart and logout script.
What I am hoping for is that someone had a similar experience and figured out what caused the problem and how we might correct it.
Thanks so much in advance.
Posted on 09-04-2014 12:51 AM
Hi Tim,
We have seen this on 10.9.4 too. My partner in crime here at UWA made a logout hook that forces the unmount. Like you we are not sure of the cause. So far the only machines we see this are those with mobile accounts. In the student labs we don't have mobile accounts and I have yet to hear that it's an issue